Paul Mandel — Boulder, Colorado

Paul Mandel is a gross old guy with saggy everything. Wants girlfriend experience with making out and way too intimate things, like forehead kissing. He’s way too sensual, wanting you to look him in the eyes during the act and tell him you love him. Truly a disturbing session.

Michael Hough — Houston, Texas

Michael Hough saw me for a session. He threw me around and slapped me and spanked me. Those are things I specifically wrote I wasn’t okay with. I had bruises for the week after I saw him. He’s hot and pays in full, but just not worth the money considering that he wants a ragdoll. … Read more

Robert Khoudian

Robert Khoudian books escorts like it’s his addiction. The worst part is that he also mistreats them. He ****** me once and threw me around like my physical safety didn’t matter. When I told him to stop, he only got rougher. I’ve spoken to other girls who’ve had the same experience as him. STAY AWAY.